would like to make a shoutout for my sis.. happy 12th birthday, josephine.. sadly i'm not there to celebrate ur birthday.. if i'm there, definitely can get papa to bring us to sushi king and eat.. huhu~ love sushi a lot..

yesterday rained heavily.. it was around 4pm and i was stuck.. waited there till 5 something and got wet anyway when i reached home even the rain's droplet did get smaller in size..

however, today was kinda hot.. still unsure.. i was crazy because i got mixed feeling... so i cycled to mydin just to satisfy what's bothering me.. it looks like i can cycle from my rented house to mydin in just 30 min.. which means, yeah, went to mydin this morning.. just to look at what i want to look can stop my anxiety.. i don't mind sacrificing for the things i believed in. i was overjoyed even to have look at what i wanna look for just 10 minutes.. later, i thought i wanna go see dr. sms.. but he'll only be here tomorrow at 10 am.. will see how.. it's a nice workout, though.. and i definitely have the stamina to do so.. GANBATE!!!


the stadium...

along the bridge...
the look of my rusty old bicycle...