Friday, October 31, 2008
I didn't know why i adore this anime so much.. but one think i like is that this anime got small characters.. like pokemon.. huhu~ and the tiny characters are so cute.. the boring part is that the main character, Hinamori Amu, the one with pink hair, use the same slogan everytime she fights.. and their mission is always cleaning up X-egg, the bad character... Hinamori Amu aka Amu-chan got three Guardian characters which are Ran (red), Miki (blue), and Su (green).. They have different power and characters.. Ran helps Amu to be good in sports, Miki helps Amu to be good in arts, and Su helps Amu to be good in daily life like house chores and cooking..
would like to make a shoutout for my sis.. happy 12th birthday, josephine.. sadly i'm not there to celebrate ur birthday.. if i'm there, definitely can get papa to bring us to sushi king and eat.. huhu~ love sushi a lot..

the look of my rusty old bicycle...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
was searching for some peace and tranquility time so i went to the beach alone.. felt so great after walking at the beach.. still can't jog because my feet hurts.. instead, i went to the gym and workout.. same thing anyway.. for fitness purposes.. i just hope now my days won't passby so fast because i could even barely enjoy the time over here.. *sob2..* it's like sucking me into the toilet bowl.. *berkaitan ke...* anyway, test coming soon.. starts on 3 nov.. i'm struggling so hopefully everything will end well... for this sem of course.. however, i need to know when to relax a little bit so that i won't stress up during the exam..
Saturday, October 25, 2008
i'm still trying to post something fun but to no avail.. anyway, fun is everywhere and it's how we interpret fun so just post something random.. guess that's fun as well.. random.. hrmmm.. ok, back to the story.. study week is what i'm going through but no pressure.. i nearly get myself killed due to the pressure i put on myself yesterday but thinking it's stupid to do so when you can just relax while studying.. it's not like the final exam is so damn hard.. seriously if i compare it with stpm.. must possess a good memorising machine in my head.. that's all..
and again, after 4 months of struggling, i'm glad it's going to end again for this sem.. *pheww* but i'm reluctant to go back because i'll miss *let's say i give this living microorganism an alphabet 'z'.. huhu..* z.. alot alot.. *sob2* unable to accompany z for a month.. that's long.. hope that z can survive without me.. unless i bring z along to kuching.. hehe.. hide z in my beg.. *kawaii..*
anyway, exam is my priority now.. finish up my assignments is my second priority before going back.. fun and play is alternating priority in between those important priority.. haha..
Sunday, October 19, 2008
no doubt living things that surrounds me love camwhoring.. me myself love it too.. anyway.. it's a good thing.. every event has been taken down through pictures.. when browsing through the pics, it reminds us of the happy things and also the unhappy things..
Monday, October 13, 2008
wow.. aku dah hampir campur semua BM selepas belajar kat ctok tok setahun setengah.. nak padah yang bahasa sarawak aku macam tahi tapi masih ok juak.. cume yang ni je satu hal.. bahasa yang kirenye lebih standard skit.. bahasa semenanjung.. *nangis2* kadang2 tu tergune bahasa gitu.. dah campur.. tulis tu xpa gik bila klakar jak yg jadi masalah.. jelas sekali aku tok mudah terpengaruh.. haha.. matiler.. biler balik nanti mesti kena ngepak kawang2 aku.. tp, bez juge.. i dah kire boleh tahan dah.. nanti balik kuching boleh le tarik korg join gune bahase camtok.. haha.. kedak rojak dah posting tok.. *penalti.. guner inggeris..* haha... susahnye nak tulis bahasa melayu.. bahasa melayu terengganu aku agik perlu dipolishkan lagi.. *haah.. tu dia* adoi.. cuma aku mok padah ngan kitakorang tek, aku dah ada alasan tok tinggal kat terengganu.. yes.. *geleng kepala* cuma masa jak yang akan menentukan segalanya.. setakat tok nang puas hati kamek.. tapi, ujian mok datang dah.. banyak kerja rumah yg perlu disiapkan dalam masa sebulan tok.. tapi, harap2, dapat siap dalam masa yang ditetapkan.. dalam masa yang sama, kamek mok ilek2 juak.. xboh tertekan.. sekali-skala kuar ngan kawan tu ok gak... okla.. aku chow lok..
Thursday, October 9, 2008
went to the marine hatchery today coz shu need to get antermia aka sea monkey (zooplankton) to feed adam's seahorse.. i was 'sakai' and bored so i start to snap some pictures while shu collects the monkey.. today, nothing special.. stomach shows some positive sign and hopefully it will be fully recover.. booked my flight back to kuching already.. on the 19 nov.. yes.. xsabar wanna go back.. woohoo..
Saturday, October 4, 2008
OMG.. it's been four days.. and i'm still having stomach ache.. this freaking stomach ache is so annoying.. i have no mood to do my work.. shit.. i nearly give up and feel like going back to mummy.. i miss how mother take care of me when i'm sick as a young child... *i know.. so 'manja' and mummy's boy..* but that's me.. at this time around, i just want somebody to care about me and usually it's my mother who would sacrifice her time and energy taking care of me.. and father too.. but like i've said, i'm very mummy's boy.. gosh.. i wish that this stomach ache will gone by tomorrow... if not, i feel like it's useless to sit for this tuesday's test.. because i hardly even memorise the notes because of this freaking stomach ache.. pray for me..
Thursday, October 2, 2008
went to tasik kenyir the yesterday with friends.. it's really cool to eventually step onto a place where everyone's been talking about.. it's even been mentioned in the Geography book.. when we reached there, i thought we won't have to pay anything and you can go to all those 340 islands by car.. but who the hell knows that we're required to do island hopping with a boat.. it costs us about rm 21 per person.. but i think it's really worth it.. went to the herbs park first. u can see lots of different herbs there.. *duh* got tongkat ali, misai kucing and etc.. i guess we're so into it we even tried to it those leaf.. yeah.. we're so hungry to the extend of eating all those herb's leaves to survive.. *just joking*
later, we hopped to saoh waterfall.. the water there is so freaking cold. but we just endure it. it's really nice though to dipped in icy cold water. i wanted to go under the waterfall but damn me who don't even know how to swim hafta give up coz it's deep..
after the waterfall, we went to the part where they rear lots of fish.. haha.. can't remember the name.. fed those hungry fish reminds me of taman sahabat in kuching.. it's cool to see the places here but unfortunately we have to go to the mainland coz it's going to rain soon..
later, we went to empangan kenyir which is quite far from tasik kenyir.. at first we thought it's somewhere in the tasik kenyir but we made a few turns which ended up at the same spot where we first start.. when we finally gave up, suddenly we found the way to the dam.. so we took pictures there.. unfortunately for me, i've got stomach ache for the past 2 days.. and i can't seem to enjoy myself when we're at the dam.. damn it..
when we finally made a decision where to eat, on our way to town, suddenly one of our car got punctured tyre.. dunno why but the tyre is hot.. probably overstressed.. haha.. so we stopped in front of this malay's house.. they lend us a hand to fix the punctured wheel.. for being over nice and kind they invited us in for some raya cookies.. wow.. super cool.. speechless.. we're so 'tidak malu' so we open up the jars of cookies and eat it like as if we've known them for quite long.. but the elders were really nice people.. they even gave us their contact number so that next time when we're around we can go to their house to visit.. hehe..
for our dinner, it's still on.. haha.. went to Noodle Station to eat.. later we went back and reached home at around 9pm.. fuh~ from 8am, you know.. what a trip.. i enjoyed myself and hopefully there'll be more trips in the future..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim friends out there.. i'm sad because i can't celebrate with my friends back in kuching.. but quite relieve and glad that i get to go visiting here in terengganu.. today, the first day went to four houses and i'm totally full.. now, i feel like having stomach ache. anyway, the food here is nice.. and hopefully next year, i'll be celebrating it with my friends in kuching.. this time i'll book the ticket asap...