Monday, June 29, 2009
i was an extra in a movie called 'The Chronicles of Merong Mahawangsa'... i was asked by my friend whether i wanna join the crew for a day shoot.. so i find it interesting so i jumped into the boat and just sail with it... literally.. but what i didn't know is that the shooting is so tough as hell.. as easy as it may have sounded, jin and i had to struggle with the clothes.. fuh~ gotta say, one of the toughest job.. even if it's just walking, it's a damn hell.. but it's exciting to see the actors.. i'm quite impressed.. they can repeat the same take with almost the same emotion, posture and other little stuff over and over again.. and they are crazy..
do i look like a lost boy...? haha..
Friday, June 26, 2009
oh my.. my neighbour is so damn noisy... i guess they were just talking out loud.. one person is already quite loud.. but when 8 more ppl talk out loud too, it's like they're about to fight.. sometimes i just can't stand it.. some more at night, they're just too generous.. they switch on their 'songs' for me to listen.. thanx but no thanx.. i'm not interested in songs that just make me go 'bada bada boom boom'... man..
holiday is about to finish.. although class has not start, i'm almost positive that i'm going back for raya.. mum gave me the green light already.. i start to book my tickets already.. it's like i'm the one who's excited about raya huh.. anyway, i partake in any celebrations.. that's y i love to be malaysian..
i'm still thinking to spoil myself for 2 or 3 days though... wanna pick the correct date...
Monday, June 22, 2009
but i kept adding more vege.. that is tuna, btw..
but the cendol sux.. it's at the garden's, KL..
i dunno.. i felt disarray with the things going through my mind.. i can be like so pumped up and everything's fine.. but the next second everything went tumbling down like a heavy erosion because there isn't any support.. when i think of support, i felt kinda lack of it.. maybe i didn't work hard enough to obtain it.. or maybe there isn't.. or maybe i've built a tall wall that blocks any sort of communication of acceptance..
sitting at home all alone facing the laptop just ain't working.. messaging, ym, msn and etc... just not the way to deal with whatever that's running through my emotion.. probably i just missed times in high school when i get to have fun, talk, and play with friends despite the mentally head cracking exams... but that was nice.. i felt accepted in a group.. this one.. kinda doubt it but there's time when i really enjoyed it.. i dunno.. probably my support group isn't that strong yet... but time is quite limiting..
i think i need to spice up my life a little bit or more.. i need to do something.. but still figuring.. and that's how i get myself into this whole damn situation.. always figuring and thinking..
i guess i need to pamper myself and make sure i'll enjoy it.. a lot..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
pei qing is one of the first of my junior i get to know besides vicki.. both of them r owez together..
i still remember the time when u, vicki, me and jin first went out for a dinner.. jin keeps on complaining about the laugh even when there's nothing to laugh about.. since then, sometimes we will dine out when we met in the cafe.. we never miss the laughter even a bit.. ur owez smiling.. i always bump into u and we will have a short chat...
but now, ur not here anymore.. less laughter will fill up the atmosphere.. i'll be less lonely now since i will not bump into u anymore.. and no one will accompany me when i'm in the library alone.. i'm sad till this day and it's unbelievable.. i'm just overwhelmed by the whole situation cause i have no idea which news are true about your departure.. there are times i hope that this whole thing is a joke or at least it wasn't u.. but even with the initial PQ, i'm afraid, i instantly knew it meant pei qing...
nevertheless, i will always remember the smiles and laughters... it's hard to take in but slowly i know everything will be fine and u'll have a place where u'll just continue laughing and put smiles on others.. take care and have a safe journey, pei qing..
p/s : took the pic from feli since i got no better pic here of her..