Tuesday, December 16, 2008
erm, ok.. i've been take.. eh.. salah.. tagged.. i think this tag requires me to type in malay and so be it.. baiklah.. lagipun, bukannya susah sangat.. ok.. senang je tag ni.. saya buat tag ni untuk orang yang tag saya.. nanti saya pula kena chop sombong kalau xbuat.. hehe...
apa yang saya perlu buat..?
1. tulis 10 perkara pasal orang yang tag anda
2. tulis 10 perkara pasal anda
3. cari 10 orang untuk anda tag
tulis 10 perkara pasal orang yang tag anda..
1. orang ni banyak jaket yang saya suka..
2. orang ni ada astro kat rumah.. *duh..*
3. orang ni suka sangat melalak.. eh.. eh.. salah.. berkaraoke.. hehe.. sekarang saya pun suka berkaraoke pula.. cuma menyanyi bila rasa suara saya sesuai..
4. orang ni pendek dari saya.. kuang3...
5. orang ni seorang cikgu kepada subjek yang saya dok faham langsung.. haha..
6. orang ni baik...
7. orang ni ada sorg bff yg baik dan mengagumkan..
8. orang ni bela naga.... *suspen*
9. orang ni suka sangat brand giorgio amani.. *cm salah je ejaan brand ni*
10. orang ni sporting orangnye... *betul ke dok*
tulis 10 perkara pasal anda
1. saya suka jaket..
2. saya suka orang yang mempunyai rambut pjg sikit.. *eh.. eh.. ke mana pula perkara ni*
3. saya suka jogging..
4. saya suka travelling.. *kalau ada duit je..*
5. saya suka makan.. *yeke..*
6. saya nak pergi shopping...
7. saya benci penipu..
8. saya nak sgt 'si dia'....
9. saya rindu sgt 'si dia'....
10. saya suka scuba diving..
cari 10 orang untuk anda tag..
perluke...? rase2 xde orang yang nak buat tag yg saya sbb kwn sy ni malas orgnya.. haha.. terasa pula semua.. tulis je.. kalau terbaca ni, sila buat.. kalau x, habis kamu.. beri muka sikit..
1. aurelia..
2. jasmine..
3. felicity..
4. kristen..
5. nicole..
6. kelly...
7. hee kai..
8. aurelia's housemate.. ifa.. *sampai sana pula..*
9. naza..
10. gwen... *dia xtau pun blog saya ni.. kuang3*
Monday, December 15, 2008
the other day when i walked to my workplaced, i saw this 'labi-labi' at the bus stop seat.. DEAD.. so horrigible when i saw the species laying there.. without a leg some more.. i felt sorry for the labi-labi because died without peace.. so kesian.. huhu~
Saturday, December 13, 2008
i was working the past few days.. fuh~ so tired and hot... some more the smoke.. felt like getting cancer soon.. *choi3* but anyway, still manage to go out with friends.. this coming wednesday will be my last day for working.. i felt relieved.. i don't mind letting it go.. but i will certainly miss making burgers..
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
mummy brought home new flavour cake.. i have no idea.. it's chocholate with marshmellow.. and there's like cheese in it.. with cereal covered with chocolate as the base which is awesome and sinful.. hahaha.. oh, my god... actually i want to taste chocolate napolean.. anyway, my mum know how to feed me and my siblings taste buds.. that's why i cannot come back so often because my mum will bring back lots and lots of cakes which is not helping me AT ALL.. i will have only four days to starve myself when i get back to KT before looking ok for my christmas trip.. haha... now, i feel so OMG..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
today is my third day of working... i currently work at my uncle's place.. the restaurant is called the Chicago7.. am tired whenever i get back.. huhu~ at least i earned something.. hehe.. anyway.. right now, i'm so tired to blog.. sneak peak below..
then, went to mum's workplace and took all the desired stuff.. haha..
Monday, November 24, 2008
pernah ke dok korg terindu kan sstu...? mesti pernah kan.. saya skang pun dalam kerinduan.. ni la masalahnya bile malam menjelma.. sememangnya fikiran yg kosong tiba2 terisi dgn kenangan terindah.. pasrah dan redha dengan segala dugaan dan cabaran yang diberikan.. mungkinkah ini satu cara untuk membuatkan diriku ini lebih teguh.. walaubagaimanapun, hati tetap runsing dan fikiran tetap melayang.. kadangkala kemusykilan menjadi bayangan maut yang hanya akan meruntuhkan diriku yang hanya mampu memaparkan senyuman lemah.. tidak tahu ku manakah benar ataupun salah.. cuma kepercayaan saja yang dapat kusumbangkan.. harapan saya, keikhlasan ini tiada ternilai, maka, sambutlah, gunalah, terimalah keikhlasan ini dgn sebaik-baiknya...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
yesterday night was my first night out with my good friends... we went to jalan song to eat first.. later, we hopped on to soho.. i was in the mood to club but the instance i reached there, i was not as excited as before.. probably still missing out the important and crazy friends.. hopefully next week will be a better one.. so spend my time with andrie, steph and aden.. despite missing out vip friends, we still managed to pull out the night and somehow enjoyed our time.. at least it's not dull.. grappa sux either.. didn't stay there.. looks scary.. haha...

but it was empty on a sat night..?? wat the..
i slept here because was so boring..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
back in kuching and no longer a sem 3 students... YES, BABY!! and thinking that this year will be ending real soon, i'm turning 22 next year.. gosh.. getting old.. when i was young, i was wishing like hell, i wanna turn 20 plus as soon as possible.. but now, ermmm.. i dun mind staying 22 looking young.. muahahahaha... so vain.. anyway, back in kuching, no progress yet.. but yesterday just satisfy all my sins and savour by devouring all my fav food at one go.. i thought i can only one go all my "drinks".. but din know i can one go my food as well and i'm so so satisfy.. and i'm going to do that soon.. when i got money.. talking about money.. i'm going to work to earn some money for my next sem so that i got money for entertainment.. although i have no idea what i can do in terengganu for fun, but lately i just discover how wonderful terengganu can be with the help of my beloved friends.. i was like r u sure this place do exist... haha.. anyway, i'll try my best to spend my 1 setgh tahun here to the fullest although i know it'll get stress by every sem. but strength is found, no more complaints.. or maybe once in a while is ok.. hehehe... i wanna be normal anyway..
Saturday, November 15, 2008
who wouldn't go blind facing laptop for almost 16 hours within 6 days everyday.. just take a slight 5 before going back to work.. so many modification to be done.. so many journals to read.. i want this misery to end.. huhuhuhuhuhuuhu~~~~ i thought i can save money on buying contact lense.. looks like it just ain't gonna happen that way.. WTF!! please.. i dun want to see phytoplankton, zooplankton, water mass, chlorophyll and all those bullshit after this.. *still have too* (T-T)
*back to work*
Sunday, November 9, 2008
ahh.. felt great after screaming like that in the blog.. i felt like screaming after completing kaedah dan instrumentasi akuatik paper.. it's a scream of joy and rebellion.. hahaha.. keep some to really release it when i'm really done with my paper...
ok.. dat's it.. let's call it a post.. *fuh...*
Saturday, November 8, 2008
japanese boy, Masa-san flew back to Japan... we went to the airport to send him off.. As usual, i went to the airport with my bic.. it's quite near.. for me, of course.. nothing seems to be far for me.. hehe... no tears were shed.. *oh poor, masa-san.. should try harder so that someone can cry.. hehe.. juz jk..* but anyway, everyone's happy to know that he'll back to his hometown as that's where he belong... it's quite an experience for him and for us.. so i guess it's quite a worthwhile visit.. i suppose.. hmm.. no more reason to throw a party.. hehe.. sorry, can't help it coz i love to party..
quite expensive, doh..
but there're kids who takes control of the swing.. sheesh...