Wednesday, November 19, 2008
back in kuching and no longer a sem 3 students... YES, BABY!! and thinking that this year will be ending real soon, i'm turning 22 next year.. gosh.. getting old.. when i was young, i was wishing like hell, i wanna turn 20 plus as soon as possible.. but now, ermmm.. i dun mind staying 22 looking young.. muahahahaha... so vain.. anyway, back in kuching, no progress yet.. but yesterday just satisfy all my sins and savour by devouring all my fav food at one go.. i thought i can only one go all my "drinks".. but din know i can one go my food as well and i'm so so satisfy.. and i'm going to do that soon.. when i got money.. talking about money.. i'm going to work to earn some money for my next sem so that i got money for entertainment.. although i have no idea what i can do in terengganu for fun, but lately i just discover how wonderful terengganu can be with the help of my beloved friends.. i was like r u sure this place do exist... haha.. anyway, i'll try my best to spend my 1 setgh tahun here to the fullest although i know it'll get stress by every sem. but strength is found, no more complaints.. or maybe once in a while is ok.. hehehe... i wanna be normal anyway..
1 Comment:
- dupinik87 said...
November 22, 2008 at 8:31 PMhahaha... no... still wana stay humble... hahahaha....