Tuesday, March 11, 2008
It's pretty hard when the photos cannot be uploaded from my own laptop.. Urgh.. Yah.. I'm doing this in the library.. Right now.. Ok.. I've been through lots of stuff for the past few days.. I'm not sure whether I can consider this as few days or not but we'll just pretend that it is.. Hehe.. OK.. After the CNY nite, I went to this Indian Cultural Night.. It's not as grand as the CNY Night, but still it's quite okay.. My friends, Janani and Raj, performed.. They're good dancers.. Hehe..
The next night, we celebrated Shu Kuan's birthday.. It's quite fun.. Because all the chinese friends in the Bio Marin course were there.. *there's only 7 chinese by the way* Still we enjoyed the 'party'... Haha.. We went to MZA cafeteria.. Most of us ate roti canai only.. Haha.. And Peck Ying ordered this Black Forest cake.. It's delicious but I would actually prefer other cake.. Cause, I dunno why, everyone seems to like this Black Forest and they get one for most of the birthday party that I've been to in Terengganu.. In Kuching, I guess people would prefer other kinda cake like cheese cake, chocolate cake, or tiramisu.
And I got something to say about what had happened to me 2 days ago.. While I was jogging, I was stopped by this two 'ulama' if i would say. They have this turban on their head.. One is translator and the other one was conversing in Arabic(I guess).. They were telling me how does the water come about and why do we have legs and some more other stuff.. But the story was that they were trying to tell me how great is their Allah and how good is Islam.. They are convincing me to enter Islam.. WHAT THE HECK.. I try not to look like' WTF' so I just smiled all the way.. I said I'm a buddhist.. And they shot me.. With words la of course.. They said 'you guys just pray to the Buddha statue'.. And bla.. bla.. bla.. And again they're just trying to make it like other religion is not as good as theirs one.. They're looking down on other religion.. I never thought this kinda people would exist.. The Egyptian kept on craping about Islam in Arabic. With the saliva 'splashing' out. So funny.. And I guess I'll just stop here.. Because I try not to be offensive.. I just wanted to say what had happened. That's all.. They went off after they failed to convince me to enter Islam.. And I continued jogging.. Below is some of the pictures I manage to upload.. It's random..
of 'bacterias'.. Haha..
bought by me and Jin as her present..