Sunday, August 30, 2009
it's been more than a week that i've been fasting.. everything went well, i haven't skipped a day and no plans to do so anyway... =) i'm still thinking about going home because i still think i need a lil bit of encouragement or boost of enthusiasm... it's not like everyday i can just go through with ease.. luckily i'm going home this raya holiday and felt excited about it... can't wait to go home..
last 2 days, daniel, weng, jin and i went out to celebrate daniel's birthday.. we went to this 'Ming Star' to feast on sushi.. the only option to get sushi is here.. so won't complain anything since i get to eat sushi anyway.. so yeah.. we spent hell lotta money here.. but will keep it 'sushh...'. the food was nice since everyone was starving that nite.. everyone was incredibly hungry that they ate more than what they normally would have... but this is not often so it's ok, i suppose..
after ming star, we went to secret recipe.. this time we ate cake.. poor thing is that daniel get to blow A candle.. haha.. and he's 21 years old.. probably he wishes that he can feel like a year old or so.. but anyway, we enjoyed the cake.. sang birthday song.. awkward that only three of us is singing but everything was good.. and daniel sure does have a long list of wishes he wished is granted.. we bumped into emort and the gang as well.. they came to 'tapao' cake.. hehe.. then, later, we went home and that's about it..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
well, my fast for the first day is not really comfortable for me.. because i felt like the time is clicking too slow.. fasting during weekends especially when it's holiday is a living hell coz if not, at least i can sleep in the library.. or read some books in the library.. anyway, hopefully the days after this will be smooth.. i try to work more and sleep more.. make myself busy..
yesterday, i went to bazaar ramadhan.. saw some familiar faces.. i was buying meehoon goreng with telur mata kambing... beronok, coconut drink... i guess i'm in heaven when i wanna pick food.. it's like which want to eat coz everything just seems delicious.. nyum.. nyum..
Monday, August 17, 2009
it has been long since i last updated.. i couldn't face my blog because i was stressed up.. i just felt heavy.. suddenly i just felt like i'm not smart enough to handle myself.. i procrastinate, afraid... i dunno.. even i've been spending kinda like a lot of my money buying stuff in a way like to make me happy.. lately i'll get down very easily... i dunno what i might do.. i'm still figuring myself up.. i hope raya come a.s.a.p.. luckily i'm going back to kuching this raya, so i'm going to make full use of it.. to enjoy myself, to loosen myself up.. forget all the stuff here.. but until then, i just need to struggle myself through...