Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Today, I attend my 'Biologi Invertebrat Akuatik' lab practical.. I took some pictures since it's not like I'm going to have the same opportunity next time.. Hehe..

Jelly fish..
Sea cucumber
Prawn too..
And prawn again..
This is sotong..
I forgot the name..
Sea anemone..

So it's quite interesting to look at those stuff but it's hard to draw.. I'm not an artist *cough*... (u noe who u are.. t.o.a.) So my pictures are ka na sai.. Hahaha... But still can be identify.. Not so bad la.. I'll try to get other kinda pictures.. Hehehe... Stay tune...

1 Comment:

  1. orilia said...
    ish i didnt say anything pun. =__=

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