Friday, September 28, 2007
Yeah.. I can't wait to go back this 19 November... Wait for me Kuching... But it's still long way to go...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Heterokontophyta, Rhodophyta and lotsa phyta.. I didn't know i'll end up memorising all this stuff.. Still, I dun know what's the purpose of me memorising all those seaweeds name.. Urgh... So sickening. And my Asas Keusahawanan is so boring.. I feel sleepy almost every Asas's class.. Luckily, the test is 80% objective.. If not, sure die.. Oh yah, I'm fasting too.. However, my puasa is different.. I dun sahur.. That's why my frens are shock to find out that I actually bought RM5 of kuih-muih... RM1 for 4 kinda kuih.. If RM5.. You'll get 20 kuih which is like extreme for the Malays.. Hehe.. But I only eat once a day during bulan Ramadhan.. So, I need to eat pau-chow (revenge)... Hehe... There's lotsa kuih-muih during this month.. I'm quite surprise with the amount of kuih they produce within 1 day and the number of student buying kuih just outside the hostel.. I also need to fight for the kuih before it's finish.. Usually I'll start picking kuihs around 5.00pm.. I buka puasa at 7.08pm (averagely).. It's not that hard to puasa actually.. Luckily I trained myself for this.. Hehe.. The difference is that I dun drink water.. And that's the hardest part because it can be as simple as I need water for hydration.. I'm just afraid that I'll get sick.. Anyway, I still like the Satok's bazaar Ramadhan...
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I'm so busy... I didn't know it's that busy.. Assignment and test can just kill me.. It's okay if it's well-organize.. But if it's just randomly set.. Hell, men... I going to be very busy until hari raya.. Going to have 2 weeks of holiday for hari raya.. But after that, it's my final exam.. So fast.. Hopefully, I'll pass all this 'obstacles'... Can't wait to go back... Wana eat lotsa stuff..
Sunday, September 2, 2007
It's because I haven't post any pic so now I want to post as many as I can.. Some pictures are random but it's just to promote my U... Hehehe... I just came back from Pulau Bidong.. So, I wanna story about my trip first.. I went to Pulau Bidong from 31 August to 2 September.. During merdeka.. So pity that I miss better events than this.. But after the programme, it's definitely an experience.. It's really worth it despite other minor problems that we faced there.. It's some normal problem.. Pulau Bidong is UMT's own island. I'm kinda like 'woo, my U got an island'.. And so, the story starts with water confident.. It's basically about swimming in the deeper part of the sea with the aid of life jacket... I'm really excited as this is my first time swimming in the deeper part of the sea (it's like 100-200 m from the shore.. but it's quite deep). Later, we swam to the boat and make a jump from the boat.. I thought it's scary but actually fun is the best word to describe how I felt.. Then, we swam to the shore.. In the afternoon, we had our LDK (Latihan Dalam Kumpulan).. Before I forget, my group is Udang.. There is Ketam, Penyu and Pari. We created our own cheer song and I'm so worried that our group won't be very productive in terms of ideas.. Who would have thought, we created our cheer song within a short time frame.. I began to feel secure.. We had to sing our cheer song before we start our meeting or any important function which includes before our meal.. If only I got the video of our cheer song.. Hehe.. Ok, the next day, we started our day with aerobic session.. Later, we did fishing first followed by snorkelling, kayaking and jungle trekking.. Fishing is terrible because we caught the least as it is in the morning.. Hmm.. So disappointing for not catching any fish.. Snorkelling is a real eye opening experience.. I'm definitely wowwed by the view in the under part of the sea.. The fish swam around me and it felt so close.. I saw sea anemone, nemo fish and giant clamp which is claimed by other friends as the living things that we should see and focus on.. Kayaking is fun too.. My kayak partner is Fizah.. We're a good partner.. Jungle trekking is fun too as we get to know about the Vietnamese who lived in Pulau Bidong once.. But the trekking is quite a disappointment to me because I thought it's going to be a long route.. It's turns out to be quite short.. However, it's a relieve for the girls.. At night, we had Malam Kebudayaan where we need to do presentation.. Our group did an advertisement-cum-dikir barat presentation.. I think it's quite okay 'tapi boleh dimantapkan lagi'.. The next day like usual we start our day with aerobic. Then, we had gotong-royong.. I had to clean up.. Apatah lagi toilet.. But, it's not really that bad la.. Haha.. We had our kayaking competition as our last event.. Our group, Udang won the competition.. Yeah for my group.. I'm so ecstatic when my group won.. I'm so like 'se-kia'... Haha.. Screamed here and there.. I think worst than the gals.. Haha.. But our group is sporting.. At the end of the day, we won Kayak competition and also the best cheer song.. Yeah.. I'm so glad to be in a winning group.. At first I'm so scared as they said that The Udang group used to be a LOSER group.. But we proved it wrong.. Our mentor is ALONG.. He's quite a motivator as he uses psychological method to challenge us.. It's a really smart way.. He's good in kayaking.. Really2 good.. Maybe that's why we won the kayak race.. But it's really about the team effort that determines our thriumph.. Below is the random pics that I took here.. When I say it's random, it's really random, ok... Only the first few pics are new..