Saturday, May 31, 2008
at night, we ate sardines, rice mixed with 'perencah' and ayam masak merah (canned food).. we're hungry so we ate the food without any rants. haha.. honestly, the food was okay... then, for the first time for me after long diet, i ate supper.. oh.. what a relieve.. i ate cake somemore. haha.. chocolate rice cake. what the.. me and rezzal ate it. i'm quite impressed with the way ezal eat.. he ate alot.. but still maintain his body.. haha.. so jealous.. ok.. slept quite well.. (naj say i snored.. thanx to the small pillow i brought along..)
in the morning, we lazed around. then, ezal and naj went to collect woods to cook.. because last night, there's this 4 person joined us at the checkpoint too.. but they didn't sleep in the hut with us.. they used up the woods we collected.. in the afternoon, like usual, we cooked. this time we ate corned beef (eeuuww..), rendang ayam and rice mixed with 'perencah'.. this meal was much more disgusting because the raindrop from the roof and leaves dripped into the food while we cooked our lunch.. oh.. ezal told me to get use to it.. haha.. even the water was quite yellowish.. there's this one embarrassing moment.. i tripped after washing the rice. it's quite slippery because some rocks are filled with algae.. i got cuts on my knees.. haha..
we climbed down the mountain around 5 pm.. and we only took 40 minutes compared to 1 hour plus when we climbed up the mountain.. we cleaned ourself in the mini waterfall.. zal's brother picked us up at around 6 something.
p/s : i learned a lot of things during our expedition.. i mean a lot... haha.. 'a lot'..
ok.. i'll leave u with some of the pictures i managed to capture..
the cooking place..
our 'after-lunch'...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
wow... i've been moulded into a pig.. more accurately, LAZY PIG... oh gosh.. i'm nothing like before i went to terengganu.. i'm more hyperactive then.. i like to wonder around the town area even if i'm alone.. i still need to buy sarawak pepper for my semenanjung friend.. haha.. his mum wants it.. i wonder when will i have the time to get it.. wait.. that's wrong.. when will i shed off my laziness before i go and purchase it...?
i want party.. any party to go...? haha.. i love party.. have to wait until 5 june for steph's birthday... and i know something special is going to happen.. huhu~ just jk.. hmm, besides that i have no idea..
i dun want to go back to terengganu.. i hate it.. nothing fun there.. i have no idea why i choose there in the first place.. should have pick ukm for sains laut.. i dun mind.. haha.. =p well, just ranting.. typical me.. =p i grouse almost the same thing through out this whole blog..
hmm... anything else ho...? i put up some random pictures i took.. it's old but not that old.. haha..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
gloomy day.. what could possibly be the worst thing that hits you right in the face..? i'm not sure what to feel right now, but it sucks.. sucks a lot a lot.. -chow-
Thursday, May 15, 2008
i'm still jobless.. till today.. it's been delay for nearly a week.. my mum said i still need to go for an interview.. ??? what for..? only part time, wud.. now i wish my mum would let me work in taka.. i miss taka friends.. haha.. but the worst thing is that i need to work from morning till night time.. i don't want... it's because i still want to hang out with my friends.. seriously, i'm almost broke here.. HOWEVER, i seem to have money to go outing with friends.. hmmm... haha.. now left three weeks or less to work.. i'm so worried if the salary is so low that i couldn't even buy my flight ticket to kuching.. ~~~~~~~
Sunday, May 11, 2008
lately, i've been playing around with my laze.. well, that's me.. haha.. ok.. real business.. yeah.. i got my lisence.. diving license..
on the first day of my journey, i've to wake up at 6.30.. and we started our journey at 8.30am but we have to wait until 11 something to go to the island.. by the time we reach there, we're really hungry like hell.. we don't even bother to check in first.. instead, we rushed towards the buffet lunch to grab something to eat.. everything just look great.. but i just can't remember what i ate.. hahaha.. that's the cons for blogging it late.. anyway, we din do anything on the first day.. but we watched 2-3 hours of video.. about diving.. so boring..
on the second day, it's way better... we get to start our diving lesson.. it's pretty easy because we have the basic skills already... we did three dives.. the underwater world here is so different.. and there's a lot of sea cucumber.. haha.. looks like shit.. oh, yah.. our instructor is cool.. he's so crazy.. make our diving experience better.. haha..
on the third day, we had 2 fun dive and 1 skill dive.. and still i love the diving experience.. wow.. below is some of the similar pictures that i looked when i went diving.. it's not the real picture.. just for your information.. haha.. it's pretty awesome because now i know the bio marin course itself is not really interesting.. the interesting part is when you get the opportunity to go diving.. haha.. just frankly speaking.. but i'll still strive for excellence..
nothing much on the fourth day... besides packing up and get ready to go back.. and FYI again.. i spend nearly 12 hours wondering in the city of KL.. oh gosh.. the worst experience.. i'll never never again use bus to KL.. haha.. unfortunately i'll have to go through another worst nightmare on the 10 june.. ok..
Thursday, May 1, 2008
exam's over.. no reason for me not to PARTEA... unfortunately, terengganu isn't the right place for me to PARTEA.. urrghh... unless i want to celebrate with a cup of tea.. which is really ridiculous.. but anyway, i'm heading home this coming wednesday.. a deserving YEAH for me... oh gosh.. i have no clue on how to spend my entire 2 days in the hostel now.. besides going online, watching movie's' i'm definitely clueless... i'm going to Lang Tengah first this Saturday.. Excited to get my next license... which definitely cost me a lot.. i'm not sure whether i make the correct move or not.. i'm not the kinda person who would give up on challenges and obstacles.. but when i'm up for the challenge, i kinda regret about the 'ego'ness of not wanting to lose.. haha.. still like the outcome of it..
can anyone bring me out to 'kai-kai' when i get back.. haha.. oh wait... shoot me.. i still got 'part-time' job to do.. haiya.. money.. money... it's a troublesome.. no worries.. i'll get myself busy in the day, and 'kai-kai' at night..